Edu:Social Project

Category: Interview

Interview for tkaktuell

In this interview with Wiebke Knoche for tk aktuell, Tania Singer talks about the difference between empathy and compassion and how they can be trained.

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Interview in tip Berlin

In an interview with Erik Heier from tip Berlin, Tania Singer talks about the CovSocial project and the impact of the pandemic-related lockdowns on the mental health of Berlin’s population.

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Five Questions to Tania Singer

In an interview by Valerie Zöllner and Barbara Abrell for the magazine Max Planck Research, Tania Singer answers five questions about mental health in times of corona and the CovSocial project.

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Interview in ZEIT ONLINE

In an interview with Nora Burgard-Arp from ZEIT ONLINE, Tania Singer talks about the CovSocial project and how empathic listening makes us more crisis-proof.

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