Edu:Social Project


Tania Singer talks about what her research on cultivating compassion has taught her and how we can use it to create a world based on compassion.

In an interview with Antje Lang-Lendorff from TAZ, Tania Singer talks about the limits and opportunities of empathy.

The 10th Empathy Conference of the DAI Heidelberg as part of Geist Heidelberg was entitled: "Empathy under pressure? How we experience empathy in crises and conflicts". In her lecture, Tania Singer talks about empathy and compassion. Can mindfulness and social skills be trained? How do empathy and compassion differ?
In the 4th episode of the podcast by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe, Tania Singer talks about research.

In this interview with Wiebke Knoche for tk aktuell, Tania Singer talks about the difference between empathy and compassion and how they can be trained.

In an interview with Erik Heier from tip Berlin, Tania Singer talks about the CovSocial project and the impact of the pandemic-related lockdowns on the mental health of Berlin’s population.

In the tabularasa podcast, Tania Singer talks about the results of the ReSource project. She also discusses the social and psychological effects that a week-long lockdown could have in times of COVID-19, as well as the challenges and necessary measures to make digitalization socially acceptable.

Tania Singer in conversation with Elisa Starck about the CovSocial project and how the well-being of Berliners changed from lockdown to lockdown.

In an interview by Valerie Zöllner and Barbara Abrell for the magazine Max Planck Research, Tania Singer answers five questions about mental health in times of corona and the CovSocial project.

An article in the Bonner Generalanzeiger by Johanna Lübke quotes Tania Singer on the effects of the pandemic on mental health.